Fleeting Vistas
I have fond memories of biking and hiking through the woods around my home as a child. I am brought back to the meandering paths with their gentle, rolling terrain that added an exciting cadence to my journeys. I remember snow-covered trails, occasionally unspoiled, resembling the untouched forest floors in spring, overgrown with lush grass and blooming wildflowers. I also remember the giant neighboring fields, extending into the horizon. At night, they would transform into a canvas bathed by the soft glow of the moon and night sky.
Fleeting Vistas is a small collection of works that capture recent stresses and anxieties in contrast with the comfort of cherished memories. Artistic inspiration is drawn from recent stresses, encompassing struggles with physical mobility, loss, upheaval, and existential weight. A juxtaposition of contemporary surroundings with imagery of rural countryside landscape, conjure a sense of nostalgia for simpler times.
September 16- November 30, 2023
Yorkminster Park Baptist Church Gallery
1585 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4T 1Z9
(Major intersection Yonge Street and St Claire Ave E)
Saturday 12-4pm
Sunday 10-11am, 12:15pm-2pm
Private viewings are available upon request click here to contact.